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10-1-12 Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes


1.      Call to Order: Vice Chair Mary-Ann Roczynski called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.

2.      Roll Call:
Present: Mary-Ann Roczynski Linda Carrasquillo, Vincent Parys, J. Roger Pelletier
Absent: Dominic Fulco, Jr., Bernie Corona, Kirk Allison, Paul Barry, David Whalen

3.      Approval of Minutes:
September 10, 2012  –  Upon a motion by Vinny, seconded by J. Roger, the Commission voted to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2012.

4.      Old Business:
  • Bicentennial Square – No official word received on the status of the project.  Peg Byrnes of Patriotic Commission did have a meeting with the Mayor. Vinny spoke to Police and Fire Depts. and both are willing to lend support to renaming project.  He will try and get letters of support from them and then see if both the commissions (Patriotic/Veterans) can meet with the Mayor with these letters of support.
  • Stand Down – Commission wanted update on how it went - attendance. Will get info from Bernie and Paul at next meeting.
5.      New Business:
  • Mary-Ann passed handout on: Victory Gardens Groundbreaking - veteran’s housing project that completed.
  • Mary-Ann and Linda to find out when volunteers are needed to hold big flag on Rentschler Field – they believe it is near Veterans Day – will inform the Commission by email when they find out.
  • Veterans Day parade – discussion on what groups may boycott attendance because of placement in parade.  Vinny will be in parade and will represent both Patriotic and Veterans Commission.  DAV in parade also.
  • J. Roger attended the Civil War Re-enactment held in Wickham Park in September.  It was a great experience, well performed and attended. Wanted the Commission to write a letter to organizers about it.
  • Mary- Ann discussed her involvement on national committee trying to bridge employment gap for serviceman/veterans returning to civilian jobs. Organizations are not hiring; they are investigating why and how they can help to translate military experience onto resumes.
  • Approval of Bills – Upon a motion by Vinny, seconded by J. Roger, the following bills were approved.
                        Clerk                           $  80.00

  • Adjournment – Upon a motion by Linda, seconded by Vinny, the Commission adjourned at 7:34pm.
The next meeting will be November 5, 2012 in the Town Council Chamber.

Respectfully submitted,

Tatia Lewis, Clerk
Minutes Subject to Approval